The World Around Us

My Snow White Moment

My Snow White Moment

I felt like a Disney princess and Jane Goodall.

Tractor Supply Company Supports the Somerset Regional Animal Shelter #TractorSupply

Tractor Supply Company Supports the Somerset Regional Animal Shelter #TractorSupply

Shop & adopt

Wings of Summer: Butterflies and Hummingbirds

Wings of Summer: Butterflies and Hummingbirds

Summer’s really over when the butterflies and hummers leave.

Earth Day in Photos

Earth Day in Photos

Nature photos to celebrate Earth Day

Spring, You’re Late!

Spring, You’re Late!

My garden doesn’t lie.

Eulogy for my father, Dr. Norman P. Willett

Eulogy for my father, Dr. Norman P. Willett

Memories of my father…

Story: Free Bird

Story: Free Bird

A gift: holding a life in my hand

Story: Yes, there are flying squirrels in New Jersey

Story: Yes, there are flying squirrels in New Jersey

Flying squirrels are regular nocturnal visitors to my birdfeeders.

Pictures from a May garden

Pictures from a May garden

When I’m not playing with my dogs and cats, or taking pictures of them, I’m in my garden.

Winging It

Winging It

Each year, I set goals for my photographer self. In 2011, my goal was to get some pictures of hummingbirds. You can see the results in the post Hum Along with Me from that fall. In 2012, I set two goals. The first was to stretch my hummingbird goal–and get some photos of them flying; […]

By January 8, 2013 Read More →