
Photo: Hindsight

Photo: Hindsight

Dog butts are funny. Three of them are even funnier. Then add puns.

Photo: Go with the snow

Photo: Go with the snow

Sometimes you just gotta go with the snow. My 3 dogs are so used to it, they don’t even notice it.

Photo: Cat inspiration

Photo: Cat inspiration

Sometimes inspiration sits right on my lap. Or my laptop.

Photo: Snow wonder

Photo: Snow wonder

It’s good to be a cat, looking out on a sea of frozen snow.

Photo: And then…

Photo: And then…

Two dogs at the top of the stairs. Two cats in the middle of a stare down. What happens next?

Photo: Standing tall on the snow

Photo: Standing tall on the snow

Crazy winter: 70-pound Jasper stands on top of the snow

Photo: Happy Valentine’s Day!

Photo: Happy Valentine’s Day!

Sometimes love is there all along but you don’t see it.

Photo: Portrait with paper towels

Photo: Portrait with paper towels

Dawn owns the paper towel shelf.

Photo: Cat in the style of Rene Magritte

Photo: Cat in the style of Rene Magritte

Sometimes life can imitate art.

Photo: Blank Canvas

Photo: Blank Canvas

Lilah, Tucker and Jasper contemplate the blank canvas of untrampled snow.