Cat Photos

Photo: Portrait with paper towels

Photo: Portrait with paper towels

Dawn owns the paper towel shelf.

Photo: Cat in the style of Rene Magritte

Photo: Cat in the style of Rene Magritte

Sometimes life can imitate art.

Photo: What more could a cat want?

Photo: What more could a cat want?

After a long day, it’s nice to sit down with a glass of wine and a magazine.

Photo: The Help

Photo: The Help

My cats keep me company when I write…and sometimes help type, too.

Photo: Casting Shadows

Photo: Casting Shadows

Calvin casts a large shadow on the door of my bookcase.

Photo: Sorting it out

Photo: Sorting it out

Calvin and Elsa Clair are the helpful sorts.

Photo: Cats R Elegant

Photo: Cats R Elegant

Cats exemplify grace, style and elegance. Like Dawn.

Photo: Watching snow

Photo: Watching snow

Calvin the cat loves to watch the snow–and the birds.

Photo: Best way to work

Photo: Best way to work

I can think of no better way to work than with a purring cat on my lap.

Cat story: Cats love Doctor Who

Cat story: Cats love Doctor Who

My cats love Doctor Who. I always suspected they were aliens. Now I’m convinced.