
Haiku by Cat: Spoiled

Haiku by Cat: Spoiled

purr-fect moment spoiled
by canine interruption
why do we have dogs?

Haiku by Dog: Before

Haiku by Dog: Before

intense excitement before
they open the door

By September 26, 2018 1 Comments Read More →
Haiku By Cat: Whichever

Haiku By Cat: Whichever

I’ll come down when I
feel like it or when dinner’s served
whichever is first

By September 11, 2018 5 Comments Read More →
Haiku by Dog: Seeking

Haiku by Dog: Seeking

Much can be learned from
searching and seeking – except when
it’s your ball that is lost

Haiku By Cat: Guru

Haiku By Cat: Guru

at the summit she waits
a guru with life advice
purrs cure everything

Haiku by Dog: Nuts

Haiku by Dog: Nuts

go ahead and laugh
throw curses and nuts at me
one day, squirrel, one day

Haiku by Cat: Walk

Haiku by Cat: Walk

from here to there
you’ll have to walk around me
since I’m not moving

Haiku by Dog: Lucky

Haiku by Dog: Lucky

it’s too hot to run
I’m feeling benevolent
squirrel’s lucky day

Haiku by Cat: Philosopher

Haiku by Cat: Philosopher

“if a mouse squeaks and
no one hears, does it exist?”
– Cat Philosopher

Haiku by Dog: Laughing

Haiku by Dog: Laughing

from beneath the leaves
scurrying sound of small paws
and chipmunks laughin