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past the sweet scent of
blossoms, underneath leaves, lies a
tale of chipmunk lost
contentment found in
cardboard walls, lid optional
size doesn’t matter
I really don’t know
how the door got scratched like that.
Ask one of the cats.
if not for this glass–
cruel impassable window–
squirrel, you would be mine
revealing secrets
trail speaks of visitors past
a dog’s nose knows all
One goldfinch, a pair
of cardinals, three mourning doves, and
a chipmunk. So far.
heading up to bed
dreams of bones and squirrels delayed
cat is on the stairs
cat at rest reveals
sumptuous feline splendor
even on cardboard
a dog considers
the promise of rustling leaves
squirrel, chipmunk or wind
Rub my belly. No.
Changed my mind. Scratch my chin. No.
Now rub my belly.
Stop, sniff and follow
Put your nose to the ground and follow us on...