Haiku By Dog

Haiku by Dog: Indifference

Haiku by Dog: Indifference

pondering physics
gravity’s indifference
ball fell down the stairs

Haiku by Dog: Snowman

Haiku by Dog: Snowman

white frozen mantle
covering earth, hiding sticks
snowman lost an arm

Haiku by Dog: Indignity

Haiku by Dog: Indignity

indignity, mine
magnified by nosy cat
cone of shame, endured

Haiku by Dog: Snow

Haiku by Dog: Snow

snow, like life, offers
delight and difficulties
sticks to fur and snout

Haiku by Dog: Refuge

Haiku by Dog: Refuge

huddled together
we find refuge with friends, while
they vacuum downstairs

Haiku by Dog: Discover

Haiku by Dog: Discover

you don’t have to dig
too far to discover that
snow sticks to your fur

Haiku by Dog: Place

Haiku by Dog: Place

when dinner is served
best place: under the table
next to Grandma’s chair

Haiku by Dog: Requests

Haiku by Dog: Requests

the requests you make
sit. stay. ignore squirrel and bird
better be worth it

Haiku by Dog: Artist

Haiku by Dog: Artist

freshly fallen snow
waits for artist’s paw to sketch
on a blank canvas

Haiku by Dog: Unreachable

Haiku by Dog: Unreachable

to strive for what is
unreachable, a dog’s grief
squirrel is in the tree