Good to Know

Story: Field of Flowers Award
Thanks to Kitty Cat Chronicles for making me stop and smell the flowers.

News: Why Dogs Do Doo Doo the Way they Do
Study shows that dogs tend to poop on a north-south axis. But when the earth’s magnetic field is out of whack, your dog might not know which way to turn.

News: Dogs recognize human faces in photos
New study shows that dogs recognize human faces just like we do. Maybe that’s why Jasper spends so much time on Facebook.

News: Dogs and dust bunnies are good for kids
Early exposure to dust from homes with dogs that go outdoors may give kids protection against allergies and asthma.

Wag to the left, wag to the right
A new study shows that the direction a dog is wagging its tail may actually have meaning.

Go Ahead, Pet Your Cat
The real story behind the “cats don’t like to be petted” study. Some cats do like it; you know who they are. Better yet, cats who don’t like to be touched do better in a multicat househousehold.

Book: Meet Flo & Wendell in William Wegman’s new children’s book
Way before there was Business Cat or Dogs Wearing Pantyhose, William Wegman was dressing up his Weimaraner dog, Man Ray, and taking artful photos of him. Now he has a new children’s book, “Flo and Wendell.”
Stop, sniff and follow
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