Susan C. Willett

Author Archive: Susan C. Willett

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Haiku by Dog: Dinnertime

Haiku by Dog: Dinnertime

Lilah nose

My Dog Wasn’t Eating: How a team effort saved his life

My Dog Wasn’t Eating: How a team effort saved his life

Saving Tucker

I Don’t Always Disagree With You #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

I Don’t Always Disagree With You #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

But when I do, I’ll give you the stink-eye.

Haiku by Cat: Now

Haiku by Cat: Now

clean folded laundry
can be put away later
for now it’s mine

Text From Dog: You Forgot Something

Text From Dog: You Forgot Something

Bring the dog!

I Don’t Always Sleep in the Dog’s Bed #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

I Don’t Always Sleep in the Dog’s Bed #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

But when I do, my purr-sonality takes up the whole thing.

Haiku by Dog: Lucky?

Haiku by Dog: Lucky?

Dirty hairy?

Text From Cat: A little too much

Text From Cat: A little too much

Nip and tuckered

I Don’t Always Lie on the Laundry #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

I Don’t Always Lie on the Laundry #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

But when I do, it’s after it’s folded and you want to put it away.

Haiku by Cat: Mistake

Haiku by Cat: Mistake

must be a mistake
calendar is defective
there’s no caturday