Haiku by Cat

Haiku by Cat: Centered

Haiku by Cat: Centered

under the table
practicing mindfulness
cat stays centered

Haiku by Cat: Enough

Haiku by Cat: Enough

there is no truth to
the rumor that one can have
enough catnip toys

Haiku by Cat: Duty

Haiku by Cat: Duty

watchful cat stands guard
on bathroom duty, so you’ll
never go alone

Haiku by Dog

Haiku by Dog: Moosey

Haiku by Dog: Moosey

I have a moosey
you cannot take my moosey
go ahead and try

Haiku by Dog: Couch

Haiku by Dog: Couch

happy is the dog
who knows his humans always
make room on the couch

Haiku by Dog: Leaf

Haiku by Dog: Leaf

romp, stomp, roll, relax
bed provided by nature
dog’s joy: a leaf pile

Dogs and Cats Texting

Text from Dog: Snow kidding

Text from Dog: Snow kidding

Lilah learns the cold truth.

Text from Cat: The new box

Text from Cat: The new box

#TextfromCat: I love my new box. It’s purr-rect! It’s almost like it was made for cats. Me: It is. Cat: I hate it. #dogsandcatstexting #catlife #itsonlyacceptableifitsnotintendedforcats

Text from Dog: If I fits…

Text from Dog: If I fits…

Halley’s been taking lessons

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