Pictures from a May garden

When I’m not playing with my dogs, walking my dogs, training my dogs, feeding my dogs or picking up after my dogs…when I’m not playing with my cats, laughing at my cats, looking for my cats, feeding my cats or picking up after my cats…and when I’m not taking pictures of all of the above…

…I’m gardening.

I do a lot of container gardening; I have more pots on my deck than I can count. This is a relic of the time before we had deer fencing and the only way I could have any type of flowering plant in my yard was to put it in a pot and put in on my deck. That was because deer in my area don’t read the list of plants they’re not supposed to eat. I hear them laughing sometimes as they munch on my forsythia, bleeding heart and holly. (Yes, prickly, pointy, sharp holly!)

A few years ago, we put up a deer fence, mostly because I was tired of chasing my dogs away from the deer droppings; apparently they’re mighty tasty to a doggy palette. Hey, my dogs eat kitty poo, too, so there is no accounting for taste.

Once the deer fence went up, I was able to plant a perennial garden. I admit I might have gone overboard, creating a huge area to plant, which is , ahem, perennially in need of weeding.

But I don’t mind, as I find the task very zen, very relaxing. It’s all a labor of love.

Of course the dogs help with the yard work. They dig. I doesn’t matter that they are digging in places I’m not planting, but they do get into the spirit of things.

Of course once everything is planted, the flowers make a really nice backdrop or props for doggy photos. Like these:

Jasper relaxes in his outdoor bed by a pot of flowers.

Jasper relaxes in his outdoor bed by a pot of flowers.


Lilah takes time to stop and smell the flowers

Lilah takes time to stop and smell the flowers


Tucker poses in front of one of my garden beds.

Tucker poses in front of one of my garden beds.


For more pictures of some of the flowers that are blooming in my garden this month, take a look through the gallery below. You can click on any one to scroll through the entire group.

Posted in: The World Around Us

7 Comments on "Pictures from a May garden"

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  1. Rebekah says:

    Lovely. I have Irises, Cannas, Roses, flowers that I don’t know the name of, and various lily flowers. These were all present when we moved in November, so I am slowly learning about them.

  2. Earl Lover says:

    Very cute – soon to be June!

    Lots of Woofs from Earl and I at Earl’s World!

  3. Sandy says:

    Your flower pictures are lovely. I especially like your clematis and the trillium which I’m not familar with. Happy gardening -looks like the dogs love being outside with you too!

  4. Your flowers are GORGEOUS! I do a lot of container gardening as well, but that is because I am located on 2nd floor of an apt/condo building, don’t have a yard

  5. Your flowers are so pretty! The mom does a lot of pot gardening…that’s what we call it! 😉

  6. Wow, those sure are some beautiful flowers! I have just started my first garden. So far I have a hibiscus, tomatoes, squash, and bell peppers. Haha. I will be adding more flowers soon – hopefully I can keep them all alive. Your garden is wonderful!

  7. Novroz says:

    I also shared flowers in my blog a couple of days ago…what a coincidence.

    I really like that pink flowers next to Lilah. Cute flowers

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