Tag: Tucker

Star Wars Day: A good a reason adopt a nonhuman species

Star Wars Day: A good a reason adopt a nonhuman species


Text from Dog: I. Can’t. Even.

Text from Dog: I. Can’t. Even.

Someone’s coming!

I Don’t Always Sleep In A Box #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

I Don’t Always Sleep In A Box #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

But when I do, I make the dog feel guilty for hogging the bed.

Haiku by Dog: Certain

Haiku by Dog: Certain

friends with shared interests
each certain he would be the
one to catch the bird

Text from Dog: Play ball!

Text from Dog: Play ball!

It’s that time again… and again.

Haiku by Dog: Problem

Haiku by Dog: Problem

can’t pick up signals,
can’t lick feet and yes, Houston,
we have a problem

Text from Dog: Snow!

Text from Dog: Snow!

Jasper loves snow!

Haiku by Dog: Forging

Haiku by Dog: Forging

when forging new paths
it’s best to be the one
with the longest legs

Text from Dog: Is there a dog on it?

Text from Dog: Is there a dog on it?

Dog tired

Text from Dog: The mailman’s here!

Text from Dog: The mailman’s here!

It’s a mail thing.