Tag: summer
Butterflies: Flying Flowers
One of the joys of gardening is seeing who comes to visit. In addition to planting for pretty, I also plant for pollinators–specifically butterflies. I have about a dozen butterfly bushes in my flower beds, and there is a reason for these plants to be so named. Each year, more species of butterflies fly, flutter […]
Hum along with me
They are tiny, irredescent acrobats. Their smallness inspires the casual observer to think “adorable” and “delicate.” But they are bellicose warriors of the sky, extremely territorial, and capable of putting on an aeronautic display to rival the dogfights of World War II pilots. A juvenile hummingbird flies past a butterfly bush. Hummingbirds are incredible creatures, […]
It’s Not All Butterflies and Rainbows
A few weeks back, my post featured butterflies, those soaring flowers of the sky. Gorgeous creatures, all. But I have many other visitors to my yard and garden, who might not have the glitz and glory of those pretty insects. Below are some other garden guests, including some butterflies who were late arrivals this summer, […]
Stop, sniff and follow
Put your nose to the ground and follow us on...