Tag: squirrel

Dog video: Halley speaks; there was a squirrel!

Dog video: Halley speaks; there was a squirrel!

Using her word board, Halley tells me about her day.

Text From Dog: A Dog’s Life

Text From Dog: A Dog’s Life

Appreciating the little things

Text from Dog: Guilty Party

Text from Dog: Guilty Party

Dogs behind bars

Haiku by Dog: Nuts

Haiku by Dog: Nuts

go ahead and laugh
throw curses and nuts at me
one day, squirrel, one day

Haiku by Dog: Lucky

Haiku by Dog: Lucky

it’s too hot to run
I’m feeling benevolent
squirrel’s lucky day

Haiku by Dog: Team

Haiku by Dog: Team

we may be different
but when it comes to squirrels
we’re on the same tea

Haiku by Dog: Chasing

Haiku by Dog: Chasing

on the breeze, a scent
of squirrel near enough to catch
chasing down a dream

Text from Dog: Jailhouse bark

Text from Dog: Jailhouse bark

She was framed.

Haiku by Dog: Gone

Haiku by Dog: Gone

not on the ground or
up in the tree, the squirrel’s gone
but I’ll be waiting

Text from Dog: I could have caught him

Text from Dog: I could have caught him

Missed by a nose