Tag: play

Haiku by Dog: Moosey

Haiku by Dog: Moosey

I have a moosey
you cannot take my moosey
go ahead and try

Remembering Tucker

Remembering Tucker

All I have left are memories

Text from Cat: The mighty hunter

Text from Cat: The mighty hunter

Eat. Prey. Love.

Text From Dog: Pillow Talk

Text From Dog: Pillow Talk

The original pillow pet

Haiku by Dog: Lucky?

Haiku by Dog: Lucky?

Dirty hairy?

Text From Cat: A little too much

Text From Cat: A little too much

Nip and tuckered

Haiku by Dog: Siren

Haiku by Dog: Siren

snow’s quiet beauty
lost amid the sirent scent
of a squirrel gone by

Haiku by Dog: Hipster

Haiku by Dog: Hipster

kind of hard to rock
the hipster scruffy look when
snow sticks to my bear

Text from Cat: Puss ‘N’ Shoes

Text from Cat: Puss ‘N’ Shoes

Who wears them best?

I Don’t Always Play with a Cat Toy #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

I Don’t Always Play with a Cat Toy #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld

But when I do, I will not let you take it from me.