Tag: Jasper

Text from Dog: Special grass

Text from Dog: Special grass

The scent of grass…

20 Ways Dogs Celebrate National Dog Day

20 Ways Dogs Celebrate National Dog Day

Celebrate National Dog Day with Lilah, Jasper & Tucker

Haiku by Dog: Summer

Haiku by Dog: Summer

giant water bowl
or pool to splash in — either
works in summer’s heat #dog

It’s a Very Sad Tale When A Dog Hurts His Tail

It’s a Very Sad Tale When A Dog Hurts His Tail

A tail of sadness

Pet Photography Humor: All I Wanted Was a Cute Picture of My Dogs

Pet Photography Humor: All I Wanted Was a Cute Picture of My Dogs

2 dogs + 1 camera = 0 good photos

Waiting at the Window: My dogs send me on a guilt trip.

Waiting at the Window: My dogs send me on a guilt trip.

They think I’m never coming back.

Pet Photography: Tips for Taking an Informal Pet Portrait

Pet Photography: Tips for Taking an Informal Pet Portrait

Taking great pics of your pets just takes a little POP.

Haiku by Dog: Pillow

Haiku by Dog: Pillow

Am I comfortable?
Thanks for asking. I could use
a softer pillow.

Haiku by Dog: Worm

Haiku by Dog: Worm

Dead worm? Fantastic!
I say we draw straws to see
who rolls in it first.

Dog Cave: Finding Safety and Security Under the Desk

Dog Cave: Finding Safety and Security Under the Desk

Lilah finds safety in an underdesk cave.