Tag: hiding

Haiku by Cat: Cloak

Haiku by Cat: Cloak

cloaked by folds of a
carelessly hung coat, hunter
waits, ready to pounce

I Live with Four Cats But You Won’t See Them Because They’re Hiding

I Live with Four Cats But You Won’t See Them Because They’re Hiding

Don’t try to find them.

18 reasons cats love boxes

18 reasons cats love boxes

Why cat love boxes, in words and pictures

Tunnel of Fun: A favorite cat (and dog) toy

Tunnel of Fun: A favorite cat (and dog) toy

Just don’t play with it at the same time

Dog Cave: Finding Safety and Security Under the Desk

Dog Cave: Finding Safety and Security Under the Desk

Lilah finds safety in an underdesk cave.

Cat House: Never Trust the Real Estate Listing

Cat House: Never Trust the Real Estate Listing

The perfect cat house…almost

Pussycat pussycat, where have you been?

Pussycat pussycat, where have you been?

Athena causes a dust up.

Haiku by Cat: Refuge

Haiku by Cat: Refuge

refuge sought within
wooden bars, a cat’s safe place
underneath the chair

Haiku by Cat: Bookcase

Haiku by Cat: Bookcase

Definition of
bookcase: place to store books
and display your cat

Story: Hide and seek cat

Story: Hide and seek cat

Calvin finds an unusual place to hide when unexpected guests arrive.