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Tag: haiku
basket full of toys
feathers, bells and nip. boring!
amuse me, human
drawn to the light
moths flutter attractively
so close, yet so far
always lick the bowl
in case you’ve overlooked a
molecule of food
fenced in, frustrated
and now I have learned firsthand
that deer can laugh
when yoga’s purr-formed
by a cat, is it still called
downward-facing dog?
he may be different
in size, shape, and color, but
he’s got my back
close enough to taste
sparrow hops from branch to branch
I could have caught it
cats are cool once you
get to know them – as long as
they don’t eat your food
perched above it all
purrs in tune with AC’s hum
new way to chill out
after-bath shake off
drenches nearest human in
dog’s fitting payback
Stop, sniff and follow
Put your nose to the ground and follow us on...