Tag: haiku

Haiku by Cat: Bored

Haiku by Cat: Bored

basket full of toys
feathers, bells and nip. boring!
amuse me, human

Haiku by Cat: Attraction

Haiku by Cat: Attraction

drawn to the light
moths flutter attractively
so close, yet so far

Haiku by Dog: Molecule

Haiku by Dog: Molecule

always lick the bowl
in case you’ve overlooked a
molecule of food

Haiku by Dog: Frustrated

Haiku by Dog: Frustrated

fenced in, frustrated
and now I have learned firsthand
that deer can laugh

Haiku by Cat: Dog

Haiku by Cat: Dog

when yoga’s purr-formed
by a cat, is it still called
downward-facing dog?

Haiku by Dog: Back

Haiku by Dog: Back

he may be different
in size, shape, and color, but
he’s got my back

Haiku by Cat: Could

Haiku by Cat: Could

close enough to taste
sparrow hops from branch to branch
I could have caught it

Haiku by Dog: Cool

Haiku by Dog: Cool

cats are cool once you
get to know them – as long as
they don’t eat your food

Haiku by Cat: Chill

Haiku by Cat: Chill

perched above it all
purrs in tune with AC’s hum
new way to chill out

Haiku by Dog: Payback

Haiku by Dog: Payback

after-bath shake off
drenches nearest human in
dog’s fitting payback