Tag: haiku

Haiku by Dog: Treats

Haiku by Dog: Treats

call me and I’ll come
because I love you and I
know you have dog treats

Haiku by Dog: Rake

Haiku by Dog: Rake

we’d love to help rake
but unfortunately
we don’t have thumbs

Haiku by Dog: Done

Haiku by Dog: Done

in case you need me
I’ll be under the bed ’til
you’re done vacuuming

Haiku by Cat: Sink

Haiku by Cat: Sink

how would you know if
it’s clean without the help of
a sink inspector

Haiku by Dog: Chasing

Haiku by Dog: Chasing

on the breeze, a scent
of squirrel near enough to catch
chasing down a dream

Haiku by Dog: Perfection

Haiku by Dog: Perfection

who could improve the
perfection of a flower?
I could pee on it

Haiku by Cat: Chipmunk

Haiku by Cat: Chipmunk

balanced on the sill
watching chipmunk scurry by
could have been dinner

Haiku by Dog: Welcoming

Haiku by Dog: Welcoming

hearing your return
the welcoming committee
waits impatiently

Haiku by Dog: Refined

Haiku by Dog: Refined

both dogs and cats are
refined, distinguished creatures —
except when they’re not

By September 27, 2017 1 Comments Read More →
Haiku by Dog: Lean

Haiku by Dog: Lean

you are not as soft
as a pillow but I know
I can lean on you