Tag: Elsa Clair

Don’t Play With Your Food: My cat catches a mouse and — gulp— eats it

Don’t Play With Your Food: My cat catches a mouse and — gulp— eats it

Elsa Clair’s prowess in catching a mow-ess.

Text from Cat: Cat Standard Time

Text from Cat: Cat Standard Time

Cat Standard Time: always dinner time.

Almost as Good as a Spa Day: Taking Your Cat to the Vet Doesn’t Have to Be Stressful

Almost as Good as a Spa Day: Taking Your Cat to the Vet Doesn’t Have to Be Stressful

Ask Calvin and Elsa Clair

Haiku by Cat: Chipmunk

Haiku by Cat: Chipmunk

balanced on the sill
watching chipmunk scurry by
could have been dinner

Dog Versus Cats? #FakeNews

Dog Versus Cats? #FakeNews

We’re on to them!

8 Ways (And a Whole Bunch of Tips) To Make Your Cat Happy, and Keep Your Cat Healthy #HappyCatMonth

8 Ways (And a Whole Bunch of Tips) To Make Your Cat Happy, and Keep Your Cat Healthy #HappyCatMonth

Happy cats are healthy cats

By September 26, 2017 5 Comments Read More →
Text from Cat: OK UK

Text from Cat: OK UK

Briton kitten?

Haiku by Cat: Never

Haiku by Cat: Never

you will never know
how I got from there to here
cats keep their secrets

Star Wars Day: A good a reason adopt a nonhuman species

Star Wars Day: A good a reason adopt a nonhuman species


Haiku by Cat: Neighbors

Haiku by Cat: Neighbors

spring pastime: watching
new neighbors build a nest in
the magnolia