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Tag: Elsa Clair
No bug is safe in our house, thanks to Elsa Clair.
The story continues. The suspects are interrogated. The crimes continue. Will the mystery of the drowned cat toys be solved?
The lifeless body lay limply on my kitchen floor. Tail thrown at an awkward angle. Eyes black and sightless as felt. Pink ears darkened and sagging. Fur wet, matted…and blue. Part 1 of 2.
It took about six weeks to go from kittens hidden away like fairy tale characters in their bathroom safe room, to full-fledged family members roaming amidst the larger dogs and cats who inhabit the world inside our home.
When the kittens, Elsa Clair and Calvin, came to live with us, we already had a full house. So, we had to figure out the best way to introduce the kittens to our three dogs and two cats.
Two kittens join the family, but one gets off to a rocky start–and they both wind up hospitalized.
Stop, sniff and follow
Put your nose to the ground and follow us on...