Photo: Watching snow

 Black and White Sunday

Nothing like watching snow–and birds–from a warm, comfortable perch.

Calvin loves watching the snow...and the birds.

Calvin on one of his favorite perches.


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Posted in: Cat Photos, Photos

29 Comments on "Photo: Watching snow"

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  1. emma says:

    My kitties like to to that too, but now that it is so cold, they feel a bit chilled by the window, so they are taking a break until we get above zero again. Happy b/w Sunday!

  2. SlimDoggy says:

    Lots of snow across the US these days. We get cold just looking at it.

    • It’s a blanket draped over the top of a bookcase, and it was supposed to be a temporary spot when my cats were hiding out in my bedroom when we had guests over for Thanksgiving. But they like it so much, I feel back taking it away. I’ll probably leave it there ’til Spring, when the trees leaf out so much, the view will be blocked.

  3. melF says:

    So pretty. My Nick used to love to watch the birds hit the bird feeder when it snowed. He would perch like this in the bay window and watch them.

  4. Lovely photo I have a blk and white kitty too. Have a great day.

  5. Dogs N Pawz says:

    We got a little bit of snow but we would rather bark at it than watch it! Have a great Sunday!

  6. Marie says:

    Such a beautiful photo 🙂

  7. Very nice spot to watch snow and birds…from inside the warm house!

  8. Marquie says:

    Looks like the perfect spot to lounge and watch the world. 🙂 Beautiful photo!

  9. I think Calvin has the right idea: Enjoy that snow from the comfort of your soft and warm indoor perch!

  10. Perfect way to spend a lazy Sunday. Of course most days are lazy for us cats… ~Tuxedo Jack Happy B&W Sunday!

  11. It’s nice to be watching from inside instead of outside when the weather is cold and snowy.

    • True. The cats love to watch the snow fall, and when its all over, they love to watch the birds and squirrels visit the bird feeders. And it’s ever so convenient to have a bed right in front of the window in case the need for a nap strikes. Which can be rather often. 😉

  12. Both the dogs enjoy perching. I think they’re part cat. Hope you’re all staying warm!

    • Thanks! We have a large cushioned bench in front of a picture window on our family room. Two out of our three dogs sit there to watch birds, along with the cats. The third dog realizes he’s too big (thank goodness!). He sits next to the bench.

  13. Bethany says:

    Finally getting around the hop- so glad I didn’t miss this one; a fun shot that’s perfect in black and white!

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