Photo: Reflections on being a cat
TweetBlack and White Sunday
Double the cat, double the trouble. Elsa Clair reflects.
I love the reflection of Elsa Clair in this photo, but she doesn’t see it. Do your pets ever seem themselves in a reflection? How could you tell? What did he or she do?
This is a blog hop! Check out some of the creative black and white photography by some of the awesome bloggers below:
Nope! It’s double the beauty!
Thank you. Now Elsa Clair will be looking in the mirror all day. (But she is pretty, isn’t she?) 😀
I think it’s double the fun!
That means a lot of fun. Particularly considering the fact that I have four cats (and three dogs.)
It’s double the grace!
Love it! <3
So beautiful 🙂
Awww, thanks! 🙂
She is a pretty kitty, isn’t she? 🙂
What a great photo for B & W Sunday. I love it! Bark More, Growl Less Barking from the Bayou!
Thanks.:-D I tend to use black and white when I find the color is distracting to what it is I’m trying to focus on in a picture. I think that’s what makes this photo work.
That is an awesome picture! Make a note to remind yourself next year to enter it in the BlogPaws conference blog photo contest. Love Dolly
Wow, thanks! What a great idea.
Brilliant photo–she’s not looking at the camera but at its reflection, which means she, or rather her reflection, is looking straight out at us. Very nice shot. And what a gorgeous cat!
Guilie @ Life In Dogs
Thank you. I’m sure all the praise she’s getting in this picture will go to her Little cat head, which is probably inflated enough. 😉
One shiny floor = 2 beautiful cats!
Thanks! She is an amazingly photogenic cat.
What a great shot!
Thank you. Sometimes the key to a great shot is nothing more than being in the right place at the right time.
Beautiful Elsa Clair times two is just fine with us!
Mr. N doesn’t seem to really care. I think he’s too busy moving to try to chase his shadow.
Thanks for dropping by to visit us today. We love making new friends. That photo is so incredible. Mom wants to know if you knew you had the reflection prior to taking the photo? Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Thank you! What a great question. I actually did not know that the reflection was there before I took the picture. It wasn’t until after I downloaded it and started looking through the photos that I saw the reflection. By cropping it tightly and making it black and white I think it made it easier for others to see the reflection as well.
Such a lovely b&w shot!
No, the boys don’t seem to recognize themselves in mirrors or any other reflective surface. My “angel” Annie did, though — and she seemed to know she was a lovely girl. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by our Fuzzy Tales site!
Thank you. Sounds like Annie was very special. 😀