Photo: Jasper doesn’t like being wet

Wordless Wednesday

Jasper likes snow, but he doesn't like being wet.

My dog likes snow, but he doesn’t like being wet.


First day of real snow and Jasper had a blast. Then he came inside and discovered he was wet. How did that happen?


Posted in: Dog Photos, Photos

17 Comments on "Photo: Jasper doesn’t like being wet"

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  1. emma says:

    My big sister Katie can’t stand to be wet either, especially on her head. She can’t wait for Mom to dry her off. Pup, you just have to wait until it stops snowing to go out then you will be okay. Happy WW!

  2. slimdoggy says:

    Too funny…poor guy, yeah, snow turns to water!

  3. Laika says:

    I love snow, but I don’t care if it is raining. I love being wet 🙂

  4. You’re right…doesn’t look overly happy!! My dog flinches when we walk in the rain (& its never cold rain here)

  5. Linda says:

    Poor Jasper looks thoroughly miserable! Somebody will have to explain the connection between snow and wet;>

    • I’ve explained it to him over and over, but SNOW! It’s too much to resist. Plus his brother and sister love romping around in it, too, so it’s way too much fun. Besides, if pushed, I think he’d say it’s worth it.

  6. Hmmmm, yes….I hate being wet too. Happy WW. Oz

  7. Too funny! Love his face.

  8. MOL!! Tell me about it – we have young kittens who do the same (with rain – we don’t get snow here often). ‘Oh my CAY its fun to run in the rain” then “Eeeew I’m wet LICK lick Lick *


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