Misty Morning Dog

Lilah, misty dog

Lilah in the mist

Start with one cool foggy morning.

Mix in a spray of water droplets so fine, they’re almost invisible.

Add one black dog with long fur and soulful eyes.

Recipe for a Mist Opportunity.


Because I cannot pass up the chance to drop a pun. Anyone else feeling punny?

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Posted in: Dog Photos, Photos

29 Comments on "Misty Morning Dog"

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  1. I’ve never thought of doing this. I’m curious to see how it would work on Scout and Zoey who have such interesting coats with a mix of colors.

  2. easy rider says:

    oh it looks as if you had diamonds in your fur… diamonds are a girls best friend, right?

  3. Beautiful photo!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  4. Sharon says:

    Lilah the mist really highlights your big brown eyes. We never have mist where I live. I’m jealous.

  5. Earl Lover says:

    Lilah, you look gorgeous! Beautiful girl and beautiful mist! 🙂

  6. Emma says:

    Very cool photo idea!

  7. Kari says:

    Pretty picture and I always like a good play on words!

    • Thank you. It’s one of my vices. I always enjoy a good pun or two or ten thousand. ‘Course you could say that makes me a bit of a drip. Or that I’m all wet. Or washed up. But I won’t let you rain on my pun parade. ;-D

  8. What a great pic! 🙂

  9. I’m digging the pun! And I like the photo!

  10. meowmeowmans says:

    Wow, that’s a fantastic photo!

  11. You got a great shot there! Nice to see you too. Love Dolly

  12. That is a gorgeous photo. Adds to the soulfulness!

  13. Rebekah says:

    Hahaha! Lovely photo, though!

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