Spring is Here!

This is our snow pile in February.

Tucker Lilah and Jasper sit on top of a snow pile this past February

This is our snow pile in April.

Tucker Lilah and Jasper sit near what is left of our snow pile in April

We bees very happy that spring has finally come.

Bees on lavender crocus logo 100

What signs of the changing seasons do you see in your neighborhood?

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Today we are participating in the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop, and for once, I’m wordless. As in, less words than normal. As opposed to no words at all. Either way, enjoy the other wordless blog posts below:

Blog Paw Wordless Wednesday

9 Comments on "Spring is Here!"

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  1. easy rider says:

    how great that it melted away like that witch :o) now you can sing the ding-dong song :o)

  2. Emma says:

    The white stuff does melt every year. Sometimes humans aren’t sure, but it happens.

  3. jan says:

    We’ve had spring for over two months, but we would love to have some of your moisture.

  4. Earl Lover says:

    When the snow starts to melt, you know Spring is a’coming.


  5. Yay for spring ! Lovely flowers ! Purrs

  6. meowmeowmans says:

    The grass is green, the daffodils are starting to bloom, and the pollen counts are a’risin’. 🙂

  7. Our daffodils are blooming! And the grass is getting greener! Spring is finally here too!

  8. Barkocity says:

    We are so happy spring has finally sprung. Walking on our NYC streets can be bitterly cold. This winter was a bit too long, in my opinion. But, now we see the beautiful spring tulips and daffodils blooming! Such a great sight to see. 🙂

    -Cara from Barkocity

  9. We live in a sea of yellow pollen! Your snow pile is too funny!

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