Rules of Dog: The Other Dog Always Has the Best Stick

My dogs love playing in the snow, but  it’s uneven surface makes it challenging for Lilah, Jasper and Tucker to run at full speed; they can never tell when they’ll hit a hard frozen spot, a soft squishy spot, or that lovely combination that freezing rain brings: the-hard-on-top-but-put-any-weight-on-it-and-you- fall-through spot.

So we’ve been doing a lot of stick play.

Chase the stick.

Jasper runs with his favorite stick.

Jasper runs with his favorite stick.

Grab the stick.

Tucker likes to play Try to Take My Stick

This is Tucker’s “I want you to try and take my stick” face.

Chew on the stick.

Lilah chews on a stick

I posted a black-and-white version of this photo yesterday.

However, one of the most basic Rules of Dog directs all types of stick entertainment:

The other dog always has the Best Stick.[Tweet]

Thus my dogs resort to several sneaky ways of stealing the Best Stick from the dog who currently has it.

Sometimes they get very creative. Watch how Jasper gets his stolen stick back in the video below.

Tucker falls for it every time.

Do your pets have unique ways of getting what they want?

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20 Comments on "Rules of Dog: The Other Dog Always Has the Best Stick"

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  1. Carleen says:

    Gotta love playing with sticks!

  2. this made me laugh out loud! I love “creative” stick stealing dogs 🙂

  3. Jana Rade says:

    And why exactly do we make it seem that dogs are the only ones acting that way? LOL Most humans are exactly the same, even though not over sticks perhaps. :p

    • Of course. Lots of humans want just what the other person has. What I thought was funny was I believe Jasper really didn’t want that second stick; I really think he was pretending so Tucker would go after it and Jasper could get his original stick. Both Lilah and Jasper use that trick on Tucker all the time. And it nearly always works.

  4. Ruby says:

    Sneaky Jasper!!!! BOL!!!! Don’t worry Tucker, all sticks are FABulous, and mighty tasty…just make lots of yum-yum sounds and Jasper will thinks he lost out!
    Ruby ♥

  5. Mr. N always thinks that Sage’s stick is better… and his!

  6. Cathy Armato says:

    I guess the other guy’s grass is always greener and the other dog’s stick is always better. Adorable video! LOL!

  7. Dogvills says:

    Gotta love sicks. I love the video: adorable

  8. Robin says:

    Those sticks look like a lot of fun! It is great how dogs can be pleased with just about anything 🙂

  9. Julia says:

    Classic move by Jasper, like the dog barking at nothing to get the best spot on the couch.

    A similar phenomenon – whenever I give my dogs a chew like an antler or a Himalayan milk chew, they both always favor one of the two. They will pull some moves like Jasper, trading it back and forth and it always gets used up/eaten up first.

  10. marie says:

    So funny! Sticks, or toys, or what is in the food bowl – No matter what what the other one has it is always the better one 🙂

  11. So true!!! My pals Louie and Carly are always stealing each others toys and bones, because the other one has the better one!!! 🙂

  12. Thank you for sharing these pics. The fun thing about big dogs is that they love to play with sticks… unfortunately my little ones wouldn’t dare to do such a thing. lol

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