Story: With 25-foot tall hydrant sculpture, Wildwood NJ beach has truly gone to the dogs

Wildwood New Jersey’s first dog-friendly beach got a little friendlier yesterday, with the unveiling of a bright red fire hydrant sculpture. A gift to the city of Wildwood from Morey’s Piers & Beachfront Water Parks, the 25-foot tall, 5000-pound art piece was crafted by local artists from a recycled amusement ride.

Jack and Will Morey–second-generation partners of Morey’s Piers–as well as several local officials and the Wildwood Fire Department helped dedicate the sculpture. It “celebrates the bark in all of us,” said Jack Morey. “And in a bigger way, it’s about a community that’s found it’s quirky self.”

Dogs and humans were on hand…er…paw to participate in the event.

Read more: Huge Hydrant for Hounds: Sculpture on Wildwood NJ dog beach

Fire hydrant sculpture unveiled at Wildwood NJ dog beach

Jack and Will Morey watch as the sculpture is unveiled at the Wildwood NJ dog beach. Notice the detail, including the nuts and bolts–and the squirrel sitting near the top.


Dog chews on a sandy ball while fire hydrant sculpture unveiled at Wildwood NJ dog beach

When will all these boring people stop talking and throw the ball for me?


Plaque on fire hydrant sculpture unveiled at Wildwood NJ dog beach

“Because we should play with unbridled enthusiasm and unfiltered joy, as they do.
Because we should love with all of our heart and no conditions, as they do.
Because we should live a life without regret or recrimination, as they do.”


Fire hydrant sculpture unveiled at Wildwood NJ dog beach. Jack and Will Morey pose with their dogs.

Jack and Will Morey–and their dogs–in front of the sculpture.

6 Comments on "Story: With 25-foot tall hydrant sculpture, Wildwood NJ beach has truly gone to the dogs"

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  1. What a fantastic sculpture!

  2. Brian Frum says:

    That is such a fun thing for them to do and doggies everywhere are smiling!

  3. Cynthia says:

    Ah this is so sweet and funny! I love the inscriptions on the sculpture.

  4. meowmeowmans says:

    That is SO much fun! Dogs must see it, and wonder if they’ve gone to doggie heaven. 🙂

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