Haiku by Dog: Team

#HaikuByDog we may be different but when it comes to squirrels we're on the same team

Today’s haiku is by Tucker.

Tucker and Calvin are Team Squirrel.

As in they would like to catch a squirrel. Any squirrel will do.

Both believe they are quite capable of getting one. Tucker (I’m sad to say) has proved his point in the past (Don’t ask me; it’s too traumatic to talk about, but let’s just say Tucker has a few notches in his collar I wish weren’t there.) Calvin, on the other paw, hasn’t successfully caught as much as a mouse. (Though it might be because his sister is the Greatest Hunter of Everything—including bugs, moths and mice—and Calvin and the other cats just can’t compete with Elsa Clair’s prowess.)

Still it’s something both dog and cat could agree on: they want that squirrel. 

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Posted in: Haiku, Haiku By Dog

7 Comments on "Haiku by Dog: Team"

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  1. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    guyz…ewe knead an ee ess pea N channel N yur own sportz jerzeez 😉 ~~ !! ☺☺♥♥

  2. Kitties Blue says:

    Some kitty years ago caught a squirrel and only left the tail and feet behind as evidence. Mom never knew which kitty did it. We are always on squirrel patrol at our house. Stop by tomorrow for a very, very short video to check it out. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

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