Haiku by Dog: Scent

Haiku by Dog Lilah Dead Worm PerfumeToday’s haiku is by Lilah.

 Stop. Drop. And roll.

Human: “That’s what you do if you’re on fire.”

Dog “That’s what you do when you smell something really good.”

Of course “good” means something completely different in dog terms. We humans just have no scents (hah!) of fun.

Does your pet ever roll in something stinky?

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Posted in: Haiku, Haiku By Dog

13 Comments on "Haiku by Dog: Scent"

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  1. Stop Drop and Roll! We love that. But we want to advise you that we cats do the same. Why just yesterday we were rolling around on our human’s smelly jacket, as we felt she should stay home with us instead of going out AGAIN. It was a great roll but unsuccessful, she threw us off the jacket and went out the door with it. We’re not speaking to her now.

  2. Elaine says:

    A big high five for that haiku! 🙂

  3. Earl Lover says:

    Mine love perfume de dead worm, too. Also, perfume de bird poo.


  4. Jax has a dead worm fetish – so strange!

  5. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    a paws…a paws…a paws…lilah !!! we wood LOVEZ ta roll in wermz; soil N grazz ~~~ ♥♥♥

  6. Emma says:

    We don’t do that too often, but is sure is fun when we do!

  7. So true! Hailey had a great roll in something today!

  8. Oh we bet that smells goooooood!

  9. MyDogLikes says:

    I wish this computer has smello vision! Yum, dead worms!

  10. Yes, unfortunately Ruby has been known to rub in something stinky.

  11. easy rider says:

    eau de dead worm? that’s the must have of this summer… where can I get it?

  12. We were walking with some pals in the park yesterday morning. Little Teagan, the mini Aussie and baby of the pack, got to run around off leash. She kept, rolling and rolling in stuff. We drove home with them, she smelled so bad! But I was jealous because I would have been rolling right along there with her if I got let off my leash! Love Dolly

  13. meowmeowmans says:

    Thank goodness the cats are indoor only kitties. It really cuts down on what they can roll around in. 🙂

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