Haiku by Cat: Trap

Haiku by Cat: trap set with soft fur / baited with beguiling eyes / beware: cat belly

Posted in: Haiku, Haiku by Cat

14 Comments on "Haiku by Cat: Trap"

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  1. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    nose two nose a ward
    conga ratz N best fishes
    oh, N hello dawn !

  2. Laika says:

    Hello Haiku. That cat trap belly sure is alluring. Have a nice day from Laika.

  3. I fall victim to that trap all the time!

  4. Thats so funny, and so true!

  5. Misaki says:

    Hahaha so difficult to resist!

  6. Oh…good one! Watch that belly!

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