Haiku by Cat: Neighbors

Haiku by Cat: spring pastime: watching / new neighbors build a nest in / the magnoliaToday’s haiku is by Elsa Clair.

Elsa Clair is thrilled that the spring season of Cat TV has begun. She’s particularly excited that Twin Beaks is back; she loved the original and is thrilled that David Fynch is the still the twisted birdbrain behind the series.

Among her other favorite shows are:

  • Stranger Wings
  • Pretty Little Flyers
  • Game of Flowns
  • House of Birds
  • Breaking Birdfeeders
  • This Old Nest

What are your pets’ favorite programs?

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Posted in: Haiku, Haiku by Cat

5 Comments on "Haiku by Cat: Neighbors"

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  1. Daisy says:

    Elsa Clair is the very definition of “alert”!

  2. We’re glad you’re having fun, Elsa Clair.

  3. Summer outdoor pastime : hunting and eating the young neighbors… Purrs, Zorro

  4. Bird TV is one of our favorite shows. And it’s really getting good now.

  5. da tabbies o trout towne says:


    burd tee vee iz bad
    trust uz on thiz one we noe
    stix ta squirrel watch in


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