Haiku by Cat: Math
TweetToday’s haiku is by Athena.
If you were to ask Athena, she would tell you that dinner is always late. Because she’s always hungry. And when she’s hungry, food should be served. It’s a pretty simple equation:
Hungry + Cat = Dinnertime
I suppose there are other cat formulas that apply as well.
Likelihood of hissyfits: Hungry cat(s) x 4 = Hissing
How fast a cat can run: Velocity of cat = sound of can opening x proximity to food bowl
How quickly a litter box is used: Litter box x recent cleaning = probability of usage
The sound of a purr: Purr volume = (full tummy x available lap) + (sun puddle x chin scratchies)
The quality of a box: Box attractiveness = (Length x width x height) + how much the other cats want it
What formulas would you use for your pets?
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ooooh math… my mommas deadliest enemy :o) eggs-cessive barking + NO!not now! = ok, let’s go…
We’re not fans of advanced math either.
Don’t feed a cat late…you may regret it!
So true. They know. They always know.
Bentley lets me know the minute that his meals are late. Obviously, the Basset Hound can starve within five minutes of a late dinner. BOL!
So true! You have no idea how hungry they are. Starving I tell you!
math total lee stinx
best subject in skewl: lunch brake
his tree stinx all sew
Lunch is a good subject. And naps.
If you ask my cat he will also tell you dinner is always late!
Always. Mine would agree. 😀
That expression on Athena speaks volumes!!
So true. Athena does “displeased” quite well. 😉
Our favorite has always been: sunshine + open window = happy cat
Yes! Yes! That’s a good one!
Those are advanced mathematical formulas that Mum never learnt in high school ! She should have though. Purrs
It’s just basic cat math. 😉
One thing’s for sure. Zoe and Gracie tummies are good at knowing when it’s time to eat! 🙂
Cats come preloaded with internal alarm clocks.