Haiku by Cat: Chipmunk
TweetToday’s haiku is by Elsa Clair.
She may be the smallest of our four cats, but Elsa Clair is the fiercest. The best hunter. The one who always catches the mouse, if there is one. We call her “The Beastlet” or “Wee Beastie” or just “The Beast.” Sometimes we refer to her as “Tiny Dragon” or “Dragonette.”
I might not believe my other cats could catch a chipmunk, but Elsa Clair? Dinner is caught and served.
Would any of your pets be able to hunt their own dinner?
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Surprisingly even my pampered Poodles have a strong prey drive.
You definitely sound like a fierce hunter, Elsa Clair. We love your haiku.
Great haiku and cute photo. Even though we have the catio, Lisbeth will sit on the kitchen counter staring out the window just to be there when one of the resident squirrels runs across the outside sill. Then she dives at the window. Mom thinks Elsa Clair has some really adorable nicknames. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy
We don’t have chipmunks around here…but we have crazy squirrels. And they like to taunt us every chance they get.
chippeez R good for
nothin…but we heer they sing
ask alvin N crew ~~ ♫♫♪
Great haiku as always. Not sure I want to introduce my cats to Avlin & the Chipmunks. What if they play their music all the time?