Haiku by Cat: Attraction
TweetToday’s haiku is by Calvin.
It’s cold at night now, but Calvin and the other cats gather at the windows during the warmer months to watch the moths flutter against the lights. If they were really lucky, one of the winged creatures would fly into the house when I opened the door.
Much to my cats’ consternation, I would rescue the hapless insects. Because nobody needs to be hunted by cats.
It’s not as if my pet are hungry, even if they would tell you otherwise. They are all well fed.
Creatures of habit, the cats still watch through the windows when I take the dogs out at night, because you never know…
What kind of habits do your pets have?
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spiderz R grate two
soundz like snax time ta uz dood !
round em up ~~~~ letz eat 🙂
Nice crunchable spiders… 😀
Yeah. I rescue Bear’s prey too … much to his disgust. If it were up to him, we’d have moths with one wing and spiders with three legs.
Exactly. I can’t stand the torture. Even with insects.
Your mom is no fun… Purrs
True. No fun. Sometimes they catch something and eat it before I can swoop in and rescue. There are so impressed with themselves when they do that.
It’s even better if one gets inside. 🙂
Better for the cats. Not so much for the moth. 😉
We agree with the Island Cats. Hopefully one of those moths will get inside!
That’s always the wish, isn’t it?