Haiku by Cat: Accessories

Haiku by Cat: packing? don't forget / essential accessories / including cat fur


Today’s haiku is by Calvin.

This week, I’m attending the Purina Better with Pets  summit in New York to learn about emotional wellness for pets and their people. Then I’m off to Barkworld to hobnob with other pet bloggers. I have a feeling that my dogs and cats would rather I do my hobnobbing and emotional wellness learning at home.

At the very least, I could bring a cat or four with me. Or several dogs.

Resigning himself to my trip, Calvin helped me pack, and made sure I didn’t forget anything important. Like cat fur.

Do your pets know when you’re leaving?

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Posted in: Haiku, Haiku by Cat

8 Comments on "Haiku by Cat: Accessories"

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  1. easy rider says:

    Easy knows it… and it nearly breaks my heart to leave the house without him. I sometimes think I need a sos-kit somewhere in the garage, so I havent to pack a suitcase LOL

  2. Emma says:

    Good pet parents always travel with fur samples. You never know when you might need them.

  3. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    guys…hope yur mom haza fun time anda safe trip…hope her bringz bak lotz oh swag for ewe all ~ ♥♥♥

  4. Ellen Pilch says:

    You are the perfect colors to go with all clothes too 🙂

  5. We always “help” the mom pack when she goes away. Have a good time!

  6. meowmeowmans says:

    Way to help your mom out, guys! 🙂

    We hope she’s having a great time at the conference!

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