Look Mom! I’m gonna be in a book, or at least my dog stories will be!

Every writer needs a muse. Or is it mews?

Every writer needs a muse. Or is it mews?

I write, therefore I am

I’ve been a writer nearly all my life — from the moment I learned how to put words to paper, picking up my pencil and painstakingly writing sentences for spelling practice. No one-off lines of unconnected text for me; I tied them together into a story, crafting weird tales using each week’s vocabulary words.

That’s because a writer writes.

It’s what we do. How we make sense of the world. How we ponder and weep and laugh.

But a writer — at least this writer — also wants her words to be read. Her stories to be heard. Her humor to be shared.

That’s why I blog.

However, it’s also incredibly validating when someone likes my writing enough to include it in a really, truly, honest-to-goodness, published by a publisher, you-can-buy-it-in-a-bookstore-put-your-hands-on-it-and turn-the-pages book.

Two of my true dog stories will be published in a book in 2018

Yes. It’s true. This is happening. To Me.

Two of my dogs stories will be included in an as-yet-untitled anthology edited by Callie Smith Grant, and published by Revell next year.  It’s the next in a series of successful books by Grant, featuring true tales of the dogs, cats, and other animals we share our lives with.

Two of my stories will appear in another book like these by Callie Smith Grant.

In 20198, two of my stories will appear in another book like these by Callie Smith Grant.

This is so exciting for me, I should take a moment or thirteen and kvell. (For those of you not familiar with the Yiddish term, it means to be extraordinarily delighted and proud, as in, “I’m kvelling! My cat won a gold medal in competitive sleeping.”)

I’ve known this good news for several months, but have been reticent to share it, to prematurely kvell. Because Something Might Happen, and it might all fall apart. I don’t know exactly what the Something might be, but I have a history of good things being yanked away at the very last moment, after I’ve shared wonderful news. It’s like the Fates enjoy playing practical jokes on me, and love to LOL and ROFL at my personal disappointments.

But I’ve signed the legal paperwork and handed in my W-9 so I can be paid. Yes, you read that right. Not only will I be published, but I will be paid for my writing.

It’s time to share my news. Even if this is as far as it gets, it’s enough to celebrate. Enough to kvell about.

Posted in: Good to Know

5 Comments on "Look Mom! I’m gonna be in a book, or at least my dog stories will be!"

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  1. OMD! How exciting! I’m so glad you were finally able to share this. I am a writer as well. Writing and getting paid, it is my dream as well. Congratulations and Good Luck to you. I wish you all the best!!

  2. That’s awesome! I’m also a writer so I know what it’s like.

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