Life with Dogs and Cats Named One of the Top 50 Cat Blogs

Calvin and Elsa Clair on my desk.

My desk.

On any given day, I sit at my desk in my office — the smallest room in the house other than the bathrooms —  surrounded by several sleeping dogs and cats (often with one purring in my lap, and another walking across my keyboard). I am in my own little world.

Here I work for my corporate communications clients (my paying job). In between projects, I blog (mostly unpaid), author articles for and (paid), and write manuscripts for children’s pictures books, novels, and creative nonfiction (no money yet).

I love when people comment on my posts, to tell me I’ve made them smile or laugh, or to just appreciate what I’ve attempted to share. It means I’ve touched someone, and that is what makes blogging so rewarding. Believe me, it’s not the money, which in a given year wouldn’t even keep us in kitty litter.

Lilah, Tucker, and Jasper in my office. Tucker proves there's always one in every crowd.

And when I turn around, there’s Lilah, Tucker, and Jasper.

Recently, I was selected as one of the Top 50 Cat Bloggers on the website Thoroughly Reviewed. They listed my blog in the company of some of the best cat blogs out there, and I was truly honored to be included among them.

Top 50 Cat Blogger

I often say the most important word in the name of my blog is “and” because we’re about dogs and cats. But I while I know many of my followers share their lives with members of more than one species, I also try to touch folks who just love dogs, or who just love cats. It’s not an either / or proposition here.

Thus, being recognized as a Top Cat Blogger is particularly meaningful. Because Life with Dogs and Cats is a cat blog. A dog blog. An “And” blog.

So a big thank you to Thoroughly Reviewed and to my followers and fans for their support.

6 Comments on "Life with Dogs and Cats Named One of the Top 50 Cat Blogs"

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  1. easy rider says:

    congrats!!! I love your haiku’s ( I tried 87 times but I can’t write one) and your texts by cat/dog are priceless!!!

  2. Congratulations! You always crack us up 🙂

  3. Sandy says:

    Congratulations!! Are any of the cats or dogs taking credit for being fascinating subjects for your blog?

  4. Concatulations for being on that list ! Purrs

  5. Sandy Weinstein says:

    congratulations. what a go!

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