Cat Forts

Yes, I build cat forts. Doesn't everybody?

Yes, I admit it. Before I recycle them, I take empty cardboard boxes and build forts for my cats. I’m not the only one. There’s an entire Tumblr dedicated to Cat Forts. There’s a very popular YouTube video of a guy who built a huge fort for his cat who needed painful treatment for his ears. And, of course, there’s an entire SubReddit called Catforts.

Happy Caturday! Do you build forts for your cat? What kinds of things do you do for your pet that others might think is a little bit strange?


Posted in: Cat Funny, Funny

9 Comments on "Cat Forts"

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  1. We have a permanent cat fort in our human brother’s bedroom, which was created when he threw a blanket across a bungee chair. We refuse to allow it to be disassembled, so no one can use either the chair or the blanket anymore. We’re sure they didn’t need them, anyway…

  2. Brian Wood says:

    For some reason our cat Athena loves sitting in two of the smallest boxes we have. The sides are only an inch high and there’s no padding. She barely fits inside. But they belong to her, only if they’re on top of the coffee table, where she can supervise the dogs.

  3. We would LOVE to play in that fort!

  4. Well, no, but I have a good excuse: I don’t have a cat!

    Sadly I became allergic to them and had to stop keeping them. I’m a greyhound person now because they are the most cat-like of all the dog breeds!

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