A Peek Behind the Scenes of The Dogs of Star Wars
TweetIt begins
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…
Actually it was in a movie theatre less than 50 miles away.
I am a Star Wars fan, and have been since I saw the first movie, and yes, I am anxiously awaiting The Force Awakens. (You may have seen my inner sci fi geek make an appearance now and again.)
Would I write Dogs of Star Wars?
So when the executive editor at Dogster.com asked me if I would take on their Dogs of Star Wars series, I said yes before she finished speaking. They’ve already done a whole series of “Dogs of” posts, photoshopping dogs into the main characters of Downton Abbey, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad and Mad Men, and a few more.
That’s quite a humorous history to uphold.
I was told I could just write the Dogs of Star Wars story, and someone else would do the photoshopping. But I was as likely to do that as Chewbacca was to plant a big furry kiss on Lando Calrissian’s mustachioed face.
Seeking guidance from the masters
So I took on the whole project. And then I realized this was Star Wars. Star Wars. Legions of fans would judge my choices — from the characters I chose to include to the breeds I picked to represent them.
I sought guidance from my future son-in-law Luke (and yes, that’s his name, and yes, he could pass for a Skywalker, but that’s another story). Which characters should I show? Just from the original movies? Should I stick with canon? Any ideas on dog breeds? That quickly devolved into an hours-long, in-depth analysis of each film and cast.
This had to be my own. What I didn’t tell the folks at Dogster.com: I was a padawan in the intricacies of Photoshop. I could cut, paste and use the clone stamp, but that’s about it. I had to make an attempt.
Try Not
Then I remembered some wise advice I once heard: ““Do. Or do not. There is no try.”
So over the course of several days, with the help of the interweb masters, I taught myself how to turn Obi-Wan Kenobi into a Scottish Deerhound and Emperor Palpatine into a Mastiff. C-3PO and R2-D2 were special challenges (Golden Retriever and Weimaraner respectively). Along the way I also turned a Great Pyrenees into a tauntaun and a Maltese into a wampa. (Even my son thought a Maltese wampa was impressive: “I’ll give you that,” he said. “That’s pretty funny.” High praise indeed.)
Below are a few of my favorites from the story. To see the full collection and the descriptions of The Dogs of Star Wars, head on over to Dogster.com.
And enjoy. Feel free to laugh, argue and share.
Just. Please. Don’t judge me on my photoshop skills. Much to learn I still have.
A few of the Dogs of Star Wars

Luke Skywalker was my first attempt. Photos courtesy of Lucasfilm, Shutterstock and Dogster.com.

I got better as I practiced. I thought Obi-Wan Kenobi turned out pretty well. Photos courtesy of Lucasfilm, Shutterstock and Dogster.com.

Maltese as Wampa. Taking a risk and casting against type. Photos courtesy of Lucasfilm, Shutterstock and Dogster.com.

My favorite: Mastiff as Emperor Palpatine. Photos courtesy of Lucasfilm, Shutterstock and Dogster.com.
May the Force be with you!
I would like a dog star wars… but I sadly couldn’t be Luke Dogwalker… I probably would chew my sword done faster than the director can spell action :o)
Those are super cute. I love the original 3 movies, but hated the next 3 (or first 3 I guess). I now have no desire to see the current one.
guys……conga ratz two yur mom !!!! this iz total lee awesum 🙂
we think her foto shoppin…foto choppin…foto sum…. thin… skillz R grate; while we troo lee R star TREK fanz heer N like onlee saw star ones one; we think her picked reel lee grate breedz ta represent de characturrz !!!
heerz two a wolf herring kinda week oh end ! ♥♥♥
OMC Weez not furmiliar wiff da Star Wars thing, but we think you did a gweeat job. have a blest day.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi