Text from Cat: Hissed Off

#TextFromCat Elsa Clair is looking at me. Me: Yeah. SO? Cat: I don't like it. Tell her to stop looking at me. It's hissing me off.

Brings back memories of long trips in my parents’ station wagon.

Bro #1: “He’s looking at me. Tell him to stop looking at me.”

Parent: “Stop looking at your brother.”

Bro #1: “He’s still looking at me. Now he’s pointing at me.”

Bro #2: “I’m not touching you.”

Parent: “Do I have to stop this car?”

Where was I? Hanging out in the back deck, with no seatbelts, enjoying the ride. 

Do your pets sometimes act like children?

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4 Comments on "Text from Cat: Hissed Off"

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  1. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    athena….we iz CRACKIN UP !!!!!!!! ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺♥♥

  2. That is a familiar occurrence here. 🙂

  3. Kitties Blue says:

    Sometimes? It’s like having a houseful of two-year olds. The text gave us all a good chuckle.

  4. As much as I love my brother, we just couldn’t resist a good petty argument over nothing 🙂

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