Text From Cat: Look Into My Eyes

#TextFromCat I'm hungry. Me: When aren't you hungry? Cat: I'm starving. How can you look into these sad kitty eyes and not give me the nourishment I need to survive. Me: You just finished dinner 10 minutes ago.

If you were to ask my cats, they would tell you that I never feed them.

I don’t play with them either. Or pet them. Ever. They’re horribly neglected. It’s such a shame.

Just look at them. Look into those sweet sad eyes. 

Who would you believe? 

Them or me?

Do your pets ever tell you their neglected?

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2 Comments on "Text From Cat: Look Into My Eyes"

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  1. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    athena; we wood like sum lessonz pleez on how ta text….de food
    servizz gurl willna teech uz !! 😉 ♥♥

  2. I know this trick. If I didn’t feed mine myself, I’d be sure they haven’t been fed in months. We have a friend who conned second and sometimes even THIRD breakfasts because his people got up at different times and he convinced the others he hadn’t been fed 🙂

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