Text from Dog: We thought you weren’t coming back

Text from Dog: We thought you weren't coming back

It doesn’t matter how long I’m gone. A business trip. A run to the grocery store. A quick walk outside to the mailbox. The joyous greeting is the same.

And I love it every time.

How do your pets greet you when you come home?

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14 Comments on "Text from Dog: We thought you weren’t coming back"

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  1. jan says:

    I get 4 dances of joy, even when I come out of the shower. They seem to think the bathroom has a back door. But I do love it.

  2. Since we work from home, it is a major show whenever we leave and return.I’m sure they act as if their world is ending when we close the door. They are ecstatic when we return. I love your texts♥

  3. easy rider says:

    you described this moment just perfect… even when I come back after checking the mailbox there is a “welcome home” as if I traveled to northpole or timbuktu :o)

  4. Ellen Pilch says:

    That sounds about right for my cats too 🙂

  5. Rebekah says:

    I love how joyful dogs are at our return, whether we have been gone for 2 hours or 2 days.

  6. Daisy says:

    It’s the same thing here – Daisy goes bananas when any or all of us walk in the door, whether it was just outside to pluck a weed or a few hours away from home. It’s precious, but we need to calm her down now because her crazy jumping-spinning-springing routine could harm her spine. That’s going to be a tough training trick!

  7. Kitties Blue says:

    We love how your header changes to show each of your furries. Most of us are waiting in the foyer whenever our parents return after being gone. We always hear the car and gather. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  8. We always greet the mom at the door when she comes home from work.

  9. Emma says:

    We dogs want to make sure our humans know how much we truly love them and miss them, even after only a minute.

  10. Eliza the cat says:

    I can’t understand why humans leave at all. It’s ridiculous! – Eliza the cat

  11. Why thank you. We enjoy it. Except at night, when the reception is bad. 😉

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