Text from Cat: The memo

Text from Cat: I see the dog didn’t get the memo that I rule the stairs. Me: Let the poor dog pass!

Dogs and cats don’t speak the same language. Case in point: a wagging tail means something completely different in Canine (happy happy joy joy) than it does in Feline (angry angry mad mad).


In the photo above, it is abundantly clear that Athena is not pleased with Tucker. And my dog, bless him, has learned to understand The Look. The glare that most often is a precursor to a cat curser. Accompanied by some sharp and pointy bits if Tucker is close enough.

So Tucker suddenly found some urgent business to attend in the family room. On the other side of the house. On the ground floor.  He’ll come back later in the day when the sun moves off the stairs, and the stares move off the dog.

Tucker reconsiders whether he needs to go upstairs right now.

Tucker reconsiders whether he needs to go upstairs right now.

Do your pets understand each other, or others they meet?

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6 Comments on "Text from Cat: The memo"

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  1. Daisy says:

    Wow that is one very clear, very LOUD stare! Tucker made a smart decision. 🙂

  2. smart dog….

    we have a friend who was trying to leave her house one morning and yelling for Bailey the dog to take to daycare. nothing. yelled again and heard a whimper. she walked around the corner to see Bailey at the top of the steps…and one step down was her big mancat just laying there….but no way was Bailey going to step over him

  3. What’s the secret password????

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