Text from Cat: What is this word?

Text from Cat: What is this word share


Dogs and cats speak completely different languages.

A wagging talk on a cat has quite the opposite meaning of a wagging tail on a dog.

My kitties hold lengthy arguments conversations using just their eyes — a subtlety entire lost on my pups.

Each species has their own vocabulary — and sometimes the words don’t translate.

For example, there is no word for “share” in Cat.

How do your pets “talk” with you or each other? Do you ever have trouble understanding each other?

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13 Comments on "Text from Cat: What is this word?"

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  1. easy rider says:

    “share” is something what you can do via youtube… or something like that :o) maybe you can make a plan with a window-time for efurrybuddy? that’s called “time-sharing” then I think :o)

  2. Sharing, that is over-rated:)

  3. Emma says:

    I understand. We have daily window wars at my house.

  4. The boys share our windows but at Squirrel:thirty the back door windows are all Pierre’s! LOL!

  5. Fortunately we both speak cat ! Purrs

  6. meowmeowmans says:

    Gracie and Zoe share stuff beds and laps. Food? Not so much. 😉

  7. Y’know, we’re not real good with sharing either.

  8. “We don’t believe in sharing. Regarding my sister calico Paprika, what’s hers is mine and whats mine is mine”

    Signed, Peaches the Cat

    PS: Included are “best place on cat condo, best cat bed, best place on Carol’s bed, best window perch, etc.” You name it, it’s MINE.

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