Text from Cat: The Help
TweetAs I type this, Calvin in purring in my lap, and Elsa Clair is curled up in her SleepyPod on my desk. Dogs carpet my floor: Jasper’s long legs sticking out over the edges of one dog bed, Tucker upside down on the other with his paws in the air, and Lilah on the… carpet.
These are the best co-workers anyone could ask for. They don’t complain about the late hours, crunch apples loud enough to wake the dead, or talk loudly on the phone with their doctors about ailments I do not want to know about.
Yes, they sometimes interrupt my work with a request to go outside, but I welcome the chance to stretch my legs. And yes, sometimes there are complaints about the food service, but they don’t hold grudges.
I love working from home.
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I wish I could ~~~~~~~~~ trooth as da tabbies say ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥
The fur makes the man … err … woman 😉
And we work for treats!