Text from Cat: Facing it

Text from cat: Why are you looking at me like that? Me: You've got some shmutz on your face. Cat: You will forget you saw that.

You lick the last molecule of  Tasty Tuna Kitty De-Lite from your plate. You perform your after-dinner bath, and sit regally, enjoying the moment of fullness, of completion.

Everyone is looking at you.

What? What is it?

That’s when you realize you missed a spot, and everyone is staring at the shmutz on your face.


Do your pets get embarrassed?

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10 Comments on "Text from Cat: Facing it"

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  1. Daisy says:

    That picture says it all!

  2. jan says:

    When my pets do something embarrassing, we are threatened with extinction if we ever mention it again.

  3. meowmeowmans says:

    MOL! That’s just a snack, for later! 🙂

  4. How embarrassing ! We can relate.. Purrs

  5. Emma says:

    Oh dear! No cat wants to be caught looking like that!

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