Text From Cat: Neighborhood Watch
TweetThe watcher in the window, that’s Calvin.
Actually, that’s every one of my cats. They’re like the neighborhood busybodies, always keeping an eye or two on things, peeking through the curtains or the blinds. Actually, it’s why we don’t have curtains, and why our blinds are always pulled up: because the cats don’t have time or patience for window dressing.
My dogs are also window watchers, but they’re a lot (Did I say a lot?) less subtle about it. While the canines of the house will create a barkage blitz, the felines will mutter and chirp, tut-tutting their displeasure at the birds who are just out of reach, or the suspicious neighbor who is doing something, and it’s probably nefarious.
I feel a whole lot safer with my watchdogs and watchcats on the job.
How oo your pets keep watch? Do you feel safer when they’re on the job?
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dood….due ya ever wunder.. if like say naybor cat… iz watchin say de eggz act same thing… N thinkin de eggz act same thing… coz then thatz day ja veeww we think… N we got 984 bazillion $$$$ that sayz peepulz cant due thiz ! 😉 ♥♥☺☺ coz get thiz…WE DUE KNOT TRUST R NAYBORZ EITHER !!!!!!
You just never know what they’re doing. It’s quite suspicious.
the girls all love to watch out the windows…birds, neighbors, doesn’t matter
You would think chipmunks would be more exciting than my neighbor taking his trash out, but hey, I’m not a cat, so I guess I just don’t understand.
That’s one of our favorite things to do…neighborhood watching.
A philosophical question: If something happens in the neighborhood and the cat doesn’t see it, did it really happen? 😉
Bear’s been cursed at by the association lawn crew because he sat in the window and watched them work. COME ON! It’s a CAT! The least they could do is appreciate his cuteness. I guess they don’t have any watch cats at their homes 🙂
Really? Cursed at? They have no idea the kitty karma coming back at them when the curse at felines. My cat Athena loves to snoopervise workers. She’s so sweet, though, they all learn to like her. (Even if she gets in the way.)