Text from Cat: Paperwork
TweetThere’s something about a closed door that requires a cat (or a dog for that matter) to be on the same side of that door as you are.
Even if you are in a space that has no possible attraction to said cat or dog.
Even if there are other cats or dogs already in that space.
Even if there really isn’t room for all the cats and dogs.
Even if you weren’t planning on sharing your other-side-of-the-door experience with the cats and dogs.
Even if you wanted—I know this is a hard concept to grasp—privacy.
A life with cats and / or dogs means you always have company—even when you might not desire it at that moment.
Do your pets accompany you to the bathroom?
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dood…doez your mom knot noe.. how ya can save her big time $$$$$ moneez… bye shreddin stuff yur self stead oh buyin a fancee masheen ☺☺♥♥ ~
I like to unroll the paper for the humans. ~Ernie
It took awhile (HUMANS) … but I finally rid my Momma of the desire to close doors in the house. Though now I have to listen to her complain about destroying the carpet. A guy just can’t win! ~Bear Cat
Since my personal assistant, aka Mom, bought us a natural bristle hairbrush, I accompany her to the Brushing Room, aka the bathroom, every single time she goes there. She’s obviously going there so she can brush me, right?
WiDget, aka Wolverine in Disguise, small size
my girl that i had in college, stayed with my mom. she would follow my mother everywhere, it the bathroom smelled??? she would sit outside the door. she would lay on the bathroom mat while she took a shower. my girls will follow me sometimes and want to sit on my lap. my youngest will come into while i am taking a shower but as soon as water goes on her, she is gone. she is like my shadow though.