Text from Dog: The power of the nose

Text from Dog: Never underestimate the power of the nose


The nose, knows. I am sure Lilah has a mental inventory of everything in that box within seconds of its delivery. Any box that contains dog or cat treats is immediately inspected by everyone–dogs and cats.

I have to open the box in a closed room or in a garage, or there will be too many noses in too many places. And too much potential for a little discussion over potential ownership of the contents.

Do your pets know when packages contain treats for them?

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6 Comments on "Text from Dog: The power of the nose"

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  1. Emma says:

    We always know and Mom has to lock up the box or my cat bro Bert will eat his way in and steal our treats.

  2. We know when packages contain nip toys! The nose knows!!

  3. Jen Gabbard says:

    I don’t know if Laika specifically knows which ones are for her or not – she gets excited for every single package that enters the house, always assuming they’re for her (they usually are).

  4. Kitties Blue says:

    We know immediately when a box has goodies for us, but we are all over any box that comes in the house just in case! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  5. Haha! Aren’t those stuff wrapped in air tight plastic?? 😛

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