Getting to Know Tucker, Part II: Tucker and His Furry Family
It’s amazing to watch the relationships among all the animals in our family change and adapt as Tucker finds his place. There is genuine affection from Jasper and Lilah toward him. And Tucker simply adores his older brother and sister. The cats have come to realize that this new dog is part of the pack […]
Getting to Know Tucker, Part I: Dog Meets World
It’s hard to believe Tucker has been with us a mere week and a half. We’re all getting to know him; we already love him. The pictures below provide a glimpse into his personality; he is mischevious, curious, funny, loving, playful, friendly and silly. There’s something about his eyes; he looks right at you and […]
Feeding Time at the Zoo
There are two main shows every day…and a shorter version at night. There’s singing and dancing. Obstacle courses. Leaping and jumping. Wrestling and hissing. Snuggling and licking.Oh, and there’s dinner.That’s what feeding time is like for the animals in my household.A typical “dinner”–what we call the meals my menagerie gets fed–goes something like this:First, someone […]

Rosie (2005 – 2009)
I have to admit it was love at first sight. At 3 months, Rosie had short, wavy caramelly-tan fur. She had a black saddle on her back and a white zipper of fur on her chest. Her ears couldn’t seem to decide if they wanted to stand straight up or if they should relax and […]
Fire and Ice
The day began with freezing rain that fell upon thimble-height snow. As light filtered through the clouds, branches became slick and shiny. The trees in the woods behind our house were clearwhite limned, giving the forest a chilled, yet delicate air. Ice-coated limbs bent sadly with the weight of their cold burden. Encased leaves, sticks […]

Athena and her Precious
“It’s my precioussssss.” I can almost hear Athena channeling Gollum from Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings books. It haunts her, this precious item; she desires it greatly. The Precious?It’s a hair tie…an elastic hair band. The coated kind. Thick. A garden-variety, 10 for 99 cents, put-your-hair-up-in-a-ponytail stretchy circle. And it’s very, Very Important to Athena. […]

What the Snow Reveals
A walk around our property gives me a peek into the lives of the other residents with whom we share our outdoor space. Their stories are written in the snow, but I’m only slightly familiar with the language, and thus can only guess at the authors and their meaning. Walk with me:My dogs have provided […]

Kelsey (1984 – 1997)
It was probably not the best way to pick out a pup. My husband at the time wasn’t too keen on having a dog, so I thought if he made the choice, he would be more likely to warm up to the idea. At the shelter, there was a litter of what looked like sheltie […]
Welcome to the Winter Games
I can only try to imagine what goes through Jasper’s or Lilah’s heads when they see that it has snowed. That said, it was pretty easy to guess the first time they encountered the cold white stuff on the ground last winter. Both dogs were thinking, “The ground is covered with Snacks!” If you’ve ever […]
Cats and Dogs Living Together
It wasn’t easy. I think if I knew just how much work it would be, I might have stopped it before it began. Bringing 2 kittens into a house ruled by dogs does not sound like a good idea. But my son played me like a drum set, pounding me with emotional arguments until I […]
Stop, sniff and follow
Put your nose to the ground and follow us on...